Sense of Place, Revisited Lisa JonesMoore and Lynn Hanson
Lisa JonesMoore and Lynn Hanson have shown together before with a show "Sense of Place". In the years since, their sense of place has changed and the theme has taken on new meaning.
" Looking back on many years of my work I have discovered that sense of place has been a theme of mine, both externally and in my inner being. My work has been an expression of my physical space and the effects of that space on me emotionally." Lynn Hanson
"In the few years since Lynn and I last showed our work in our "Sense of Place" themed show, I was contemplating moving to Mexico–which isthe"place" that moves me to create my art. I now live full-time in San Miguel de Allende! Everyday, during my many walks around this old Spanish Colonial city, I pass by my very special places that I now hold dear to my heart. I am so grateful that I now live in this little paradise, and get my daily doses of inspiration from crumbling walls, gorgeous architecture and the kind people of Mexico. Some of my other paintings in this current show also address the universal question: ''where is home'?" Lisa JonesMoore